Call for Papers
The 29th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
March 30 - April 2, 2014 in Osaka, Japan
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to submit an abstract to the 29th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB), to be held in Osaka, Japan (near Suita Campus of Osaka University), from March 30 to April 2, 2014. Detailed information can be found on the local Workshop web page:
The deadline for submitting abstracts is
January 10, 2014.
Principle in the Workshop:
The fundamental principle in the IWWWFB has been the same essentially from its inception. That is, (1) The focus of the Workshop should be on water waves and their effects on floating and submerged bodies. Abstracts may be accepted in adjacent fields of speciality, provided they are sufficiently broad or profound to be of interest to this specific field. (2) Abstracts should be of high quality in that new ideas are included in the analytical and/or numerical work. Purely experimental work must emphasize underlying physics. As far as these are satisfied, even incomplete and on-going work can be accepted. (3) The program will be in the single session, implying that the maximum number of abstracts to be accepted is about 50 or a little more, and attendance is restricted basically to the authors who have submitted extended abstracts, regardless of whether they are accepted or not. (Exceptions may exist for sponsors, the past hosts, and session chairpersons.) Sufficient time for the discussion will be provided not only just after each presentation but also even after the session (during break, lunch, dinner).
Abstract Preparation Instructions:
Authors are invited to prepare an abstract a maximum of 4 pages in length. Prospective participants are asked to submit only ONE abstract as the first and/or presenting author. The number of abstracts from the same working group will also be restricted, depending on the balance in the program. The body of the text should be single spaced, in 10 point, Times New Roman (or LaTeX default) font. The abstract should include the paper title, author(s) name, affiliation, address and email centered at the top of the first page. Please indicate the presenting author, and DO NOT number the pages. The use of A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) is preferable and the body of abstract should be written in the area of 170 mm x 245 mm. Furthermore, the authors are requested to write at the beginning the highlights of the abstract in several (3-4) lines. For more details, please see
a sample in the local Workshop web page. The proceedings will be printed in Black and White, so authors should ensure that all artwork is legible when printed in B&W.
Abstracts should be exported in PDF format, and sent by email to:
Young authors applying for the Tuck fellowship should also send the accompanying letter as specified on the permanent IWWWFB website
The accompanying letter should be sent together with the abstract.
Abstract Review Procedure:
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a small committee. Authors will be notified by February 7, 2014 about the status of their submissions. All authors who have submitted an abstract are invited to participate in the workshop. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Workshop proceedings and presented at the Workshop.
Oral Presentations:
Oral presentations will be 20 minutes plus 5-10 minutes of discussion. (However, depending on the program arrangement, this presentation and discussion time may change.) Background information which is well-known to specialists working in the same field should be omitted. Work which is still incomplete may be presented, but material already published and disseminated should not be reported here. The 29th IWWWFB will be dedicated to the memories of the late Professor Emeritus Makoto Ohkusu of Kyushu University, Japan
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Osaka, Japan.
The Local Organizing Committee:
Masashi Kashiwagi
Munehiko Minoura